Real and Present

Real and present

Now is when you live your life. Now is when you get work done.

Here is where you address the problems. This is the place from which you follow your dreams and achieve your objectives.

These are the circumstances you must contend with. This is the situation in which you operate.

You might have imagined and wished for a more ideal environment. Yet here is where you are, now is the time you have.

Instead of waiting for someday, make full use of this day. Rather than wishing for a perfect scenario, figure out what to do with the real and present one you have.

You’re entirely capable of moving forward from wherever you happen to be. You happen to be just where you are, so pick yourself up, focus on your purpose, and get going.

— Ralph Marston

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Guiding purpose

Guiding purpose

When you have a reason, you have a way. So find the reason, the purpose within, the objective that pushes you into relentless action.

Open yourself up and admit what you care about, what drives you, excites you, compels you. Ramp up your energy and activate your courage.

Don’t just sit there and cast empty judgments on all you see from a purely conceptual and dispassionate perspective. Embrace the glorious fact that you’re thoroughly entangled in this thing that is life, and maximize your involvement.

You’re highly evolved and superbly equipped to solve problems, to achieve objectives, to create, to delight, to fill the world with new value and beauty. Zero in on the specific pursuits that ignite your passion, and feel the satisfaction of giving your best to them.

With a strong, meaningful guiding purpose, you create a solid structure that provides support for every endeavor. It serves as a bulwark against disruptions, disappointments, doubts, and deceptions.

Spend your moments in the service of what matters. Let the energy of your purpose bring a continuing stream of goodness and value to your world.

— Ralph Marston

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The Richness of who you are

Richness of who you are

You don’t have to know every answer. You don’t have to witness every spectacle.

You have no need to acquire every possession. There is negligible value in experiencing every possible sensation.

Joy is found not in quantity but in quality. Fulfillment comes as a result of discernment rather than unbounded accumulation.

You have to allow many things to pass you by. That gives you the time, the space, the focus to invest yourself in what you care most about.

Yes, you are always missing out on something. That’s precisely what enables you to attend so well to all that truly matters.

Let go of any anxiety or jealousy surrounding what you might be missing. Instead of trying in vain to grab all you can, live the richness of who you are.

— Ralph Marston

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Fresh Possibilities

Fresh possibilities

No matter how many years you have passed through, you’ll find fresh possibilities in each new day. Today is no exception.

The burdens may be heavy, the challenges great. Yet opportunities abound to live with purpose and fulfillment.

Look beyond the concerns and limitations of the moment. Align your thoughts and actions with the goodness that can be.

You always have potential that’s not been fully realized. There are plenty of good things you can do that have not yet been done.

The stretch of time you’re just now entering is one you can fill with meaningful purpose and lasting value. Draw energy from the realm of possibilities as you move forward.

Feel the sense of excitement as you activate your abilities with intention and focus. Now is time to live at your highest level.

— Ralph Marston

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