Just Let it Be

Peaceful pause

Take time often to give yourself a long, sustained experience of peace. Let go of all cares, concerns, pressures, and let yourself enjoy the pure experience of being.

There is much you wish to accomplish, problems to solve, goals to achieve, and that’s great. But you can’t be going and doing nonstop all the time or you’ll burn yourself out.

You deserve a peaceful pause. Give yourself one regularly, and often.

At some point, efforts stacked on top of efforts begin to yield diminishing returns. Before you reach that point, stop and refresh your body, mind, and spirit with a time of peace and rest.

Just because you can always stay connected and engaged, doesn’t mean it’s in your best interest, or anyone else’s, to do so. Make your efforts more productive, more creative, more effective, by taking a regular break from them.

Allow time and space for a refreshing sense of peace to wash over you, to cleanse you, to fill you with new energy and purposefulness. Breathe deeply, relax fully, be at peace.

— Ralph Marston

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