You can’t avoid problems



Stronger than the problems

Do not seek to be free of the problems. Work to be stronger
than the problems.

A life with no problems would be a life with no
opportunities for growth or achievement. That’s not what you
want, and it is certainly not realistic.

In the real world there are difficult problems, and there
will always be. Yet there are also countless possibilities
for progress and true fulfillment.

Don’t waste your time fantasizing about a life free of
problems. Instead, use your imagination and your efforts to
transform those problems into positive value.

Embrace each situation as it is, along with all the
problems. Accept that the problems exist, and you can then
begin to successfully work through them.

Life will always be challenging in one way or another. So
rise to the challenges and use your unique set of abilities
to make life great.

Ralph Marston

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