
Beyond Successful

Profoundly successful

Don’t let the world convince you that you’re a failure just
because you don’t meet the world’s definition of success.
The most meaningful success is to live according to your
highest values, and you can do that in every moment.

It can be good to have nice things and pleasurable
experiences. Yet you can be highly successful and fulfilled
without having a lot of material wealth or splendid

You have life, and the ability to choose your thoughts, your
feelings, your actions and commitments. No matter what you
do or do not own, you can find immense treasure in the
beauty, wonder and abundance of the universe in which you’re

If you live with integrity and authenticity, you are
profoundly successful. When you can give love sincerely, and
care deeply about life, then true success is most certainly

Excitement, thrills and impressive exploits can be
wonderful. Peace, quiet, and deep contemplation can be just
as delightful and fulfilling.

Live a life that is profoundly successful in your very own
unique way. In every moment, in every situation, you’ll find
the opportunity to do so.

Ralph Marston

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