Re­lease your­self from your own ex­pec­ta­tions

This is going to be hard for many peo­ple and yet one of the most free­ing things that you will ever ex­pe­ri­ence. Stop ex­pect­ing oth­ers to be­have dif­fer­ently! Why? Be­cause you can­not con­trol other peo­ple’s be­hav­ior! Period! I don’t care how hard you try, the il­lu­sion that you can con­trol an­other per­son’s be­hav­ior is just that, an il­lu­sion. I don’t care if the other per­son is two years old or eighty-two years old, they choose to react to you, or a sit­u­a­tion, all on their own. Now you can “wish” they be­have dif­fer­ently, but do not ex­pect it. The best thing you can do for your­self is to ac­cept other peo­ple’s be­hav­ior and the choices they make. You may not agree with them, you may even wish them to do things dif­fer­ently, but ac­cept it. Just as you would ap­pre­ci­ate other peo­ple ac­cept­ing the choices that you make.

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