Let yourself

let yourself

Let yourself be. Let yourself enjoy.

Let yourself see and participate, know and feel, listen and
understand. Let yourself live the brilliant richness that
shines through even the smallest details of this very time
and place.

Let go of the worries, the fears, the grievances,
insecurities and inhibitions. Simply and lovingly live the
beauty of this day.

Without judgment as to whether it is difficult or easy,
popular or unpopular, do what you know is right, and what
you feel is right for you. Let yourself be curious, in awe,
inspired and in love with the ineffable reality of

Live authentically as the unique person you really, truly
are. Allow the fulfillment that naturally comes when you let
all you do come from the best of who you are.

Let yourself be joyful, and generous with your joy, just
because you can, and just because it feels so good. Right
now, let yourself live in the best, most positive way you
can imagine.

Ralph Marston



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